David.M.Clark 1961 Page

January 17, 2010, 8:31 am

My Writings and Poems

Title: Keepers of the Family Tree
Author: David.M.Clark
Published: 23, Aug, 2012

They are the keepers of the family tree,
The one that needs no rain or shine;
That tell us how we used be,
When we occupied a different time.

Those loved ones who have gone before,
And lived their hopeful lives;
Some came from a distant shore,
The children, the husbands, the wives.

The keeper lovingly preserves them all,
Of the families both present and past;
So future generations can recall,
How we came to be here at last.

The family tree ever constantly grows,
As through the years we travel;
And throughout our own history shows,
There are stories and mysteries to unravel.

This tree is not the keeper’s own,
For it belongs to all of its members;
While through time it has surely grown,
The rich lives as sparkling embers.

So we reflect on lives all lived before,
And those whom we now hold dear;
And know in life we can be sure,
That true love brought us all here.

(c) 2010 David.M.Clark 1961