January 17, 2010, 9:39 am
Who on earth is David Clark
So who am I and where do I fit into the family tree?
I was born on the 26th of May, 1961, to my birth mother, Devona
Clara Ann Robinson, who put me up for adoption. My birth name is
Robert (Robinson/McInnes).
At the time Devona had just finished being in a relationship with
Gordon McInnes who is my biological father. Gordon originally came
from Scotland with his family at the age of 7. Gordon went on the marry
his wonderful wife Dawn but they never had any children together. Dawn's
children from her first marriage were raised by Gordon and Dawn.
So how is a Clark a Robinson?
I was adopted by Denise Victoria Clark and her second husband
Lionel Clark. At the time they were living in Deborah Street in
Geebung, a northern suburb of Brisbane in Queensland, Australia.
Lionel was an auditor with the Auditor Generals office (and aspiring
artist) and Denise was a housewife. Denise later established the Poodle
Parlor (Pamper?) at Bowen Hills. The building is still standing at the time
I write this.
This enabled my mother to embrace her passion for working with
pedigree poodles and had many of the dogs she groomed appearing in the
local newspapers.
Denise divorced Lionel when I was around 3-4 years old and was then in
a de-facto relationship with John Guilfoyle for 8-9 years. John was a baker
by trade.
Denise went on to never marry again, remaining single, and spent all of
her efforts raising me and building a thriving cattery (and lesser dog
boarding kennels) which she remained working in until two years before
her death in 1982.
So I am a McInnes and Robinson by birth, but Clark by adoption.
How is the Robinson name from Germany?
In 1871 thirty year old Bernhard Johann Fritz Busing (German
spelling: Büsing) arrived from Rostock, Germany, on August 12 1871,
on the Frieldburg at Morton Bay, Queensland, Australia. Bernhard was
accompanied by his wife, Pauline Wilhelmina (nee Reiher)
(age 31) with their children Carl (age 3) and Franz
(age 1).
Bernhard and Pauline's son, Chales Christian Conrad Frederick William
John Busing married Jemima Knight, and they had three children
(Ernest, Arthur and Vera). Jemima later died and Charles went on to marry
Mary Ann Tucker and a further child was born, Charles
Frederick Busing.
Bernhard later died and Mary Ann went on to marry Walter Robinson
and they had no children. It cannot be confirmed if a full official adoption
of the children was registered but the youngest child, Charles, was from
then on known as Charles Frederick Robinson.
Charles Frederick Robinson is my grandfather. His wife
Annie Devona (nee Stonier) had eight children and Devona
Robinson, my biological mother, was their eldest daughter.
Annie is decended from the English families of Tunstall and Ousman who
migrated to Australia.
Other family links to me come through my lovely wife, Rose-Marie
Clark (nee Morel) from Seychelles.
Having two sets of family (biological and adopted) puts me in a very
unique and blessed position.
Below is a snapshot from our private family tree website showing a
graphic representation of this branch of the family tree.
(c) 2010 David.M.Clark 1961