The Clark Family Australia

January 17, 2010, 8:29 am

Market Feedback

Please find detailed here, the links to feedback on products and services as experienced by us and published under freedom of information for would-be consumers. The information contained here is based on a review of the said product/service; should the review be good or bad, the information is in no way intended to slander any specific organisation but more so serves to provide non-biased market feedback, product feedback, service feedback or market resistance based on the said product or service.

CategoryProduct/ServiceBuy/Use AgainScore (0=worst, 10=best)Full Review
BankNational Australia BankNever0NAB
BankBank of QueenslandNever2BOQ
BankSt George BankYes8StGeorge
BankSuncorp BankMaybe4Suncorp
Consumer GoodsHydroxatoneNever0Hydroxatone
Motor VehiclesHyundai Lantra 1987Never1.
Motor VehiclesToyota Corolla Ascent 2012Yes10Corolla
WhitegoodsSimpson EZI 750 Washing MahcineNever1Simpson EZI 750
Yard EquipmentVicta Vantage MowerYes10Victa Vantage
Yard EquipmentVicta Hurricane MowerNever3Hurricane

(c) 2010 David.M.Clark 1961