February 13, 2010, 3:15 pm
My How-To Articles
Article Title
mbox to Maildir migration for CentOS with Dovecot (Davrom Document ID: 20171011154700)
Article Reference
This document shows the migration process of mbox based users to
Maildir based users. It is not always convenient to migrate all users from mbox
to Maildir in one step, however, it is possible to run your CentOS e-mail server
with both user mailbox formats with the following tested solution.
NOTE: This solution requires the following installed packages or utilities:
This solution has been tested using SendMail as the installed MTA (Mail
Transfer Agent).
Two example accounts have been used throughout this document:
davrom - an existing already migrated Maildir user
davromtoo - an mbox user that will be migrated to Maildir
1. Edit /etc/dovecot/10-mail.conf and ensure all references to
mail_location are commented out:
# mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir
# mail_location = mbox:~/mail:INBOX=/var/mail/%u
# mail_location = mbox:/var/mail/%d/%1n/%n:INDEX=/var/indexes/%d/%1n/%n
#mail_location =
# mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir
2. Add the users database text file to
## User databases
# System users (NSS, /etc/passwd, or similiar). In many systems nowadays this
# uses Name Service Switch, which is configured in /etc/nsswitch.conf.
userdb {
driver = passwd
# [blocking=no]
#args =
To look like this:
## User databases
# System users (NSS, /etc/passwd, or similiar). In many systems nowadays this
# uses Name Service Switch, which is configured in /etc/nsswitch.conf.
userdb {
driver = passwd-file
args = username_format=%n /etc/dovecot/users
userdb {
driver = passwd
# [blocking=no]
#args =
3. Now create and populate the /etc/dovecot/users file with the
'/etc/passwd' styled users ensuring you record their username, user ID
(uid), group ID (gid), their $HOME directory and the userdb_mail=
setting to enforce either mbox or Maildir format:
NOTE: For the purpose of this how-to document, it is not necessary to
put all existing users into the /etc/dovecot/users file - any users
that are not in this file will still be routed to the older mbox
format, however, IMPORTANT it is vital that you implement
/etc/procmailrc as per step 4 in this document before attempting any
further steps.
4. To ensure any of your newly migrated users to Maildir format
have their new e-mail messages passed to their new Maildir setup, it
is vital to implement the following Procmail based system-wide file.
Create the /etc/procmailrc file and populate it with the
following content:
* ? test -d $IS_MAILDIR
/etc/procmailrc is essentially checking to see if the user has the
Maildir directory in their $HOME directory - if it is not present,
then the e-mail will be passed to their mbox based Inbox (normally
/var/mail/username or /var/spool/mail/username).
You can use the "VERBOSE" and "LOGFILE" entries to keep a diagnostics
of e-mail being delivered, but has been commented out in this example
as the test system has now started working for Maildir format and
diagnostics are no longer needed. If you choose to keep the
procmail.log file options set (that being VERBOSE and LOGFILE), it is
recommended that you also create a Linux based 'logrotate' setup as
this file can grow very large on very busy e-mail servers.
5. Download and install the mb2md.pl utility available on the
web. Suggestion is to rename the downloaded file, possibly named
mb2md-3.20.pl, to /usr/bin/mb2md.pl for ease of location and usage.
6. Migrate the individual user's mailboxes setup with the
mb2md.pl utility. The following steps are suggested (substitute the
username 'davromtoo' to that of the user you wish to migrate):
su - davromtoo
mv mail mail_old
/usr/bin/mb2md.pl -m
/usr/bin/mb2md.pl -s mail_old -R
/usr/bin/mb2md.pl -s mail_old
NOTE: If your mail_old contains actual Linux directories as
e-mail folders where users may have been able to create physical Linux directories
as e-mail folders, possibly through using the "/" character at the end of a folder
name from e-mail clients such as Thunderbird, you will need to use a
-R option in the command line rather than just the -s
old_mail. So the command (as above) would be:
/usr/bin/mb2md.pl -s mail_old -R
This will ensure you include sub-directories under the mail_old directory
to be imported into Maildir.
The mb2md.pl -m command migrates the mbox /var/mail/davromtoo (or
/var/spool/mail/davromtoo) Inbox to the user's $HOME directory under
the newly created directory called Maildir (created by the mb2md.pl
The /usr/bin/mb2md.pl -s mail_old or /usr/bin/mb2md.pl -s
mail_old -R command(s) migrates any mbox folders stored in the
mail_old directory.
The subscriptions are also imported to Maildir.
7. Edit /etc/dovecot/users and change the newly
converted user entry to reflect using Maildir:
So to change davromtoo to Maildir:
Now test the user and your conversion will be complete for this respective user.
(c) 2010 David.M.Clark 1961